Monday, December 1, 2008

How Does It Work

MapMod v2 is very simple to use. On your Ironforge map there is a "Leveling Directory" which will tell you the best place to quest for your current level.

For this example we will pretend your level 10. After looking at the Ironforge Directory you will see you need to head to Loch Modan.

After traveling to Loch Modan you will now see a list of steps going down the right side of your map, each will give you directions on what quests to get and the order to complete them. Just go down the list of steps and complete them one by one and before you know it you'll be one level higher!

As you can see, placing the entire guide within this addon didn't hurt the quality of the guide at all. In fact, while we were making this we decided to add additional tips and techniques to help you get through them faster and easier.

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